Saturday, August 14, 2010

Good News?

My little Eli's ears have been an issue since he was 9 months old. He has had infection upon infection and we are now on his 3rd set of tubes. He has had 5 hearing tests to make sure that all of this hasn't affected his hearing. On his last test we got some grim news that he now had a moderate loss of hearing in his left ear:( It was a huge loss from his test the year before. So back to the ENT we went and my Dr. found that behind the left eardrum he has fluid of a glue-like consistency. Actually, good news! That is what is likely causing the loss in that ear. So...we are back on antibiotics for a week but there is a good chance that we'll be getting another tube in that ear. All this on top of his first week in Kindergarten! Poor guy.

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