I am actually waiting by the computer to skype with Josh and Leigh Ann and my precious nieces from Lodwar, Kenya. So...I thought I'd kill the few minutes I have with a "Kilpatrick Life" update!!
I never thought I'd drop my blog but once school started something had a give. Sadly this was it. Let me tell you why...besides the obvious (4 kids, sports, teaching, laundry, housework, my hundreds of little house projects, traveling, my reading addiction....)
I was so blessed to get a teaching job at Calvary this year. It has been very important for me to send my kids to a Christian school and for me to be there with them...Maci too! It has been a wonderful experience for us. But, pretty much right off the bat Eli was having difficulty. At first it seemed that he was just easily distracted and that was causing him to do poorly on tests, handwriting and just listening overall. He does have a mild hearing loss because of all of the ear infections and surgeries as well as a receptive language delay. I went ahead and took him to a psychologist and had him tested for ADD. The results were negative on the ADD but he does tend to be easily distracted. His grades plummeted, his handwriting is atrocious and he can't spell a lick. I spend over an hour with him each night going over concepts and doing work together. (Goodbye blog) His grades didn't improve. And his self esteem is just sad. He'd ask why his brain doesn't work and why he can't remember. I've taught this curriculum for 4 years and have never seen this in any of my students. I new we were dealing with something pretty major. In November I got the ball rolling at LSU Childrens Center to have him tested. I had some ideas but needed them confirmed so his IEP can be adjusted. He was tested in February and I got the results last week...dysgraphia and dyspraxia. Both are visual processing disorders affecting fine motor and gross motor skills. It explains so much! Both of these cause major problems in handwriting, creative writing, spelling, math, reading, comprehension, phonics, and the list goes on. Aaaaaahhhhhh! So what now? The answer is public school. He needs to be tested differently and taught differently. He'll receive OT, speech, language, reading specialists, and I am so excited for him. We live in a great school district! It has come into some major money from oil and gas and they have all the perks. We are ALL hoping to make the transition next year. I've applied there and am praying hard that can get a job in Desoto Parish! My principals at Calvary have been wonderful and supportive. Though, I know that school is going to be difficult for Eli his entire life, I am so grateful for answers. My little Eli is fearfully and wonderfully made. I take comfort in that!
Dysgraphia in pictures...