Monday, July 26, 2010

Sea Turtles!!

We are N.O. Aquarium experts. Even Micah knows EXACTLY where every exhibit in the place is...but they never get tired of going. Caleb could actually give tours. But nevertheless, Caleb has been begging for us to go b/c some of the Kemp Ridley sea turtles that have been rescued from the Gulf are rehabilitating at the Audubon Institute. (A fact I learned from Maci's new Kalencom diaper bag. It is a N.O. based company and some of their proceeds go to the Audubon Institute and their bags are wonderful. for more info) Anywho...we saw 4 of the sea turtles. They were so pretty and were desperately trying to escape.

Frosty the owl enjoying a mouse.

Today Micah Man was practicing rocking Maci. They CANNOT wait for her to get here!

I have almost finished her nursery. I'm waiting on the knobs for her dresser to come in and I've got to get her curtains up, find a lamp and then I.AM.DONE. Pictures to come!!

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